Python MongoDB

Python MongoDB


If you're working with data stored in MongoDB, you'll probably need to access the database from Python, Luckily the MongoDB client library makes this task a simple one, allowing you to connect to MOngoDB with just a few line of code. IN this step-by-step tutorial, we'll explain how to connect Python to MongoDB using pymongo client library.

Install the pymongo library

# Python3 intstallation of Pymongo
pip3 install pymongo

# Python2 intstallation of Pymongo
pip install pymongo

Connect ot MongoDB Server

Next, we'll connect to the MongoDB server. ON macOS and Linux-based terminals, you can use the ps commeand to grep fro the MOngoDB server.

ps | grep mongo

On most Linux servers, you can use the service command to start and stop the mongod server

sudo service mongod status

On macOS, you can use the list command to confirm that MOngoDb was installed using Homebrew

brew services list

After you've confirmed that the MongoDb server is running, you cna use the mongo command to enter the mongo shell


Importing module

Create a file

import pymogo
# ... or
from pymongo import MongoClient

check pymongo install or not.


